Sugar Ray Renee, renowned wrestler, mud wrestler and boxer shows off her superior boxing ability in this one-sided topless mixed boxing match. Renee, an accomplished boxer who also appeared in the Motley Crew "Girls, Girls, Girls" music video, takes the fight right to Mike as she drives hard punches into his belly, ribs and face. Sugar Ray's hand speed is blinding, her power is beyond belief and she even attacks with flying back fists. Mike fights back landing head and body shots trying to counter-punch her aggressive onslaught. When Mike connects with hard punches to Sugar Ray's head and body an angry Sugar Ray removes her top, revealing a beautiful set of tits, then devastates him with rapid fire combinations. This pint sized powerhouse shows yet another bigger opponent that size doesn't matter as she knocks him down then punishes him with kicks and belly punches leaving him flat on his back. She poses over his weak pathetic body with a humiliating victory pose after 26 minutes of this mixed boxing beatdown.
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