Christina is an all natural female bodybuilder and power lifter. This awesome athlete with 26" thighs, puts her 5'5" 170 pound gladiatrix body and strength to great use in this topless mixed wrestling battle. The man, equal in size and strength, is no pushover and gives Christina a run for her money. He takes the advantage with full nelsons and pins but she fight back from the bottom with rib crushing body scissors. Christina escapes then uses a headlock takedown to put him flat on his back before mounting him in a schoolgirl pin while flexing her huge biceps over his prone body. She continues her aggression with a dominating facesit squashing his head between her strong thighs and pressing her crotch into his face to submit him. He continues the fight but doesn't fare much better as he is punished with gvine pins and rib busting body scissors. Christina's power is unending as she picks up her 160 pound male opponent and tosses him across the room then punishes him in brutal head scissors submission. Christian is able to leg press 1000 pounds so once caught in the clutches of her powerful 26" thighs- it is lights out. The final indignity has Christina shoving her muscular tits into his face to end his suffering for good after 25 minutes of this mixed wrestling beatdown.
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