Fight Time Video Boxing Champion, the beautiful Blake (42DD-26-38), is challenged by tough guy Bobby Collins in this topless mixed boxing battle. Bobby is 6'1" 205 lbs and a confirmed believer in male superiority. What starts out with a feeling out process soon turns rough and serious. Blake's speed and punching power surprise Bobby as she hurts him with power punches as these two determined boxers slug it out to see who is tougher. Bobby gets more aggressive, taking the fight to Blake, when he realizes he must fight hard to avoid being embarrassed. When Bobby connects with a solid punch to Blake's breast, the intensity increases with Blake blasting shots to his belly, neck, chest and ribs. Now they start landing hard punches to the face with Blake knocking him down repeatedly. When a vicious punch to the chin connects Bobby is knocked down and out for good. Blake gives him a brutal kidney punch when he is down then victory poses over him after 20 minutes of hard fought mixed boxing action.
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