Jim puts the gloves on with the beautiful big breasted Teddy for a knockdown drag out fight to the finish. The big breasted girl has no fear and from the start she comes out swinging, but she is no match for Jims heavy punches. With a flurry in the third Jim knocks her down for the count, then to humiliates her makes her suck and lick his erect cock. This pisses Teddy off and she grabs Jim and wants him to start fighting again, but the bell ending the round sounds. Between rounds her corner girl Jen kisses her lips and fondles her big swollen red nipples. Then at the start of the next round Teddy shows Jim what a real women is made of and comes out swinging, pounding Jims body to a pulp. Then she lets Jan take a few rounds with him to continue the beating until he goes down for the count. The 2 girls then go down on Jim while he is out and take turns sucking his cock until the big breasted Teddy straddles his face and rubs her pussy and clitoris on him until she squirts while cum all over his body. Erotic and humiliating ending to this fabulous knock out fight. A real woman?s place is in the ring. Whose next!
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